The Top 10 Places to Get High

Sometimes it’s not just about the weed—it’s about where you’re smoking it. The right spot can elevate your high to a whole new level. Whether you’re looking for somewhere to chill or just want a killer view, here are 10 perfect places to light up.



1. At the Beach

Is there anything better than sparking up with the sound of waves in the background? You’ve got the breeze in your hair, the sand between your toes, and the ocean stretching out as far as you can see. Add a joint into the mix, and suddenly everything feels just right.

Oh, and if you can time it for sunset? Even better. The colors in the sky just hit different when you’re high. Just bring a good lighter because beach winds can be a pain when you’re trying to spark up.



2. Your Couch (Netflix and Blaze)

Let’s be real—sometimes the perfect place to get high is right at home on the couch. You’ve got your snacks, your favorite show queued up, and no pressure to move. Whether you’re diving into a Netflix binge or just vibing to some music, it’s all about getting comfy and letting your mind drift.

And the best part? No need to worry about getting too baked and having to go anywhere. Your bed’s right there if the couch nap hits!



3. In Nature (Camping or Hiking)

Nothing pairs better with weed than fresh air and good vibes. Whether you’re out hiking, camping, or just hanging in the woods, getting high in nature makes everything feel more alive. Trees seem greener, the air feels fresher, and that trail snack? Tastes like the best thing you’ve ever had.

The trick here is to find a quiet spot where you can chill, spark up, and really enjoy the moment. Bonus points if you’ve got a spot with a view—mountains, lakes, forests, whatever—it all hits deeper when you’re high.



4. At a Festival or Concert

Imagine getting high and then just melting into the music. Whether you’re at a festival with thousands of people or catching your favorite band at a smaller gig, being stoned at a concert is a whole vibe. Every beat feels like it’s hitting you right in the soul, and the crowd energy just lifts you up.

Pro tip: Make sure to pre-roll before you head in. No one wants to deal with rolling papers or blunts in a packed venue.



5. Rooftops

There’s something about lighting up on a rooftop that makes you feel on top of the world—literally. You’ve got the city skyline stretched out in front of you, the breeze in your face, and the world below just feels so far away. Whether it’s day or night, smoking on a rooftop makes you feel like you’re in your own little universe.

Extra points if you’ve got some good music going and the city lights sparkling around you.



6. In the Bathtub

Yeah, we’re going there. There’s something next-level about running a hot bath, lighting up, and just sinking into that warm water. It’s the ultimate in relaxation. You can just float there, high as a kite, with zero responsibilities for a solid hour or two.

Throw in some bath bombs or essential oils, and it’s basically a stoner spa day. Just don’t drop your joint in the water—no one wants a soggy sesh.



7. On a Long Drive (Passenger Seat Only!)

Nothing beats a road trip with the perfect playlist and some good bud. Now, we’re not saying you should drive and smoke—that’s a no-go. But if you’re in the passenger seat, kicking back with your bestie behind the wheel, it’s a chill way to enjoy some new scenery while you’re cruising.

The trick? Pick the right music and pack plenty of snacks. Roadside diners will never taste the same once you’ve pulled up stoned for some fries and a milkshake.



8. At the Park

Find yourself a shady spot under a big tree, roll up, and just let the world drift by. Parks are perfect because you can get some fresh air, people watch, and soak up some nature—all while getting a solid buzz. Whether you’re with friends or solo, it’s like the best chill spot in the city.

Bring a blanket and some music, and you’ve got yourself a whole afternoon of relaxation and good vibes.



9. On a Boat

If you ever get the chance to get high on a boat, do it. There’s something about floating on the water that makes everything feel super mellow. Whether it’s a lake, river, or the ocean, getting high out there feels like time just slows down in the best way.

The gentle rocking of the boat, the sound of the water, and the endless horizon? It’s the kind of setting that makes your high feel deeper and more connected. Just make sure you’ve got your sea legs—no one wants to be the guy who gets too high and tips overboard.



10. At a Bonfire

There’s a reason stoners have been lighting up around bonfires forever—it’s pure magic. The warmth of the fire, the crackling wood, and that smoky smell in the air all combine perfectly with a joint or blunt in hand. Plus, it’s the ultimate chill spot for swapping stories, jamming on a guitar, or just staring into the flames.

And pro tip? A well-timed s’more while you’re high is a game-changer. Trust us on this one



So in conclusion, no matter where you choose to light up, it’s all about finding a spot that makes the experience yours. Whether you’re getting cozy at home or exploring the great outdoors, at Cannabuds Dispensary, we’ve got everything you need to make your sesh even better. Drop by and grab your favorite strain or pre-roll before heading out on your next adventure or chill spot!